The Lafayette Metropolitan Expressway Commission

Lafayette Regional Xpressway
FHWA and LADOTD issue Lafayette Regional Xpressway (LRX) Tier 1 Combined FEIS/ROD
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LADOTD) have issued a Tier 1 Combined Final Environmental Impact Statement/Record of Decision (FEIS/ROD) for the Lafayette Regional Xpressway (LRX) for the Lafayette Metropolitan Expressway Commission (LMEC). The FEIS/ROD was prepared in accordance with applicable federal laws, regulations and executive orders including the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (42 United States Code [U.S.C.] Section 4332 (2) (C)) and 49 U.S.C. 303.
The FEIS/ROD is available here and LADOTD’s website (link). Copies are also available for viewing at local libraries in the study area as listed below. The FEIS/ROD includes additions and corrections to the Tier 1 Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) which can be found on both here and LADOTD’s websites. Responses to public and agency comments received on the Tier 1 DEIS are located in Appendix A of the FEIS/ROD.
Under Title 23 U.S.C. Section 139, the FHWA has issued a single document that consists of a FEIS and ROD. Therefore, the 30-day wait/review period under NEPA does not apply to this action.
Lafayette Regional Xpressway (LRX) Tier 1 DEIS now available for review!
The Tier 1 Draft EIS addresses corridor alternatives for a controlled access toll road on new location in the Lafayette, LA area. The proposed facility would initially be four lanes with the capability to expand to six lanes. The proposed Lafayette Regional Xpressway would connect U.S. 90 south, U.S. 167 (Johnston Street) southwest of Lafayette, I-10 west of Lafayette, and I‑49 north of Lafayette. This document identifies the preferred Corridor Alternative (LRX Corridor) and the basis for its choice.
Comments on this Tier 1 Draft EIS will be accepted in writing until March 18, 2019. Comments should be sent to:
Kate Prejean at HNTB Corporation, 10000 Perkins Rowe, Suite 640, Baton Rouge, LA 70810.
The Executive Summary can be viewed here. An electronic copy of the complete DEIS document can be downloaded from the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development website at
Hard copies are also available at the following local libraries:
North Regional Library
Lafayette Public Library
5101 North University Avenue
Carencro, LA 70520
Lafayette Public Library
5101 North University Avenue
Carencro, LA 70520
Maurice Public Library
Vermilion Parish Library
100 E Joseph
Maurice, LA 70555
Main Library Iberia Parish Library
445 E Main St
New Iberia, LA 70560
Scott Branch Lafayette Public Library
5808 Cameron St
Scott, LA 70583
East Regional Library Lafayette Public Library
215 Neuville Rd
Youngsville, LA 70592
Duson Branch Lafayette Public Library
310 Ave Au Nord
Duson, LA 70529
Milton Branch Lafayette Public Library
108 W. Milton Avenue
Milton, LA 70558
St. Martin Parish Library
201 Porter Street
St. Martinville, LA 70582
Transportation needs in the Lafayette region have significantly increased in the last 50 years. If you frequently drive US 90 (Future I-49), Ambassador Caffery Parkway or Evangeline Thruway, you have experienced an increase in vehicular and truck traffic along these routes. Drivers traveling north/south on U.S. 90 and north/south on U.S. 167/Johnston Street will continue to see more traffic delays as the population continues to grow in the suburban areas of Lafayette Parish. This growth has increased travel demands leading to longer commutes for drivers and causing traffic congestion in the Lafayette region.
The Lafayette Metropolitan Expressway Commission (LMEC) is studying alternatives and potential corridors for the Lafayette Regional Xpressway (LRX), a proposed loop facility around the Lafayette region to lessen the burden on local arterial roads and streets. The LRX is also intended to effectively and expeditiously enhance the regional and national transportation system by improving system linkage, increasing capacity and accommodating transportation demand, and responding to economic development within the greater Lafayette area.